Jenny is back!

We want to apologise to all the rad guys and dolls who were planning on coming down to see us at the Sailor Jerry event in Bondi last week. Due to unforseen liquor licencing issues the event had to be canned. Bummer!

We love the crew at Sailor Jerry, and we're really looking forward to working them in the very near future, so stay tuned!

On a lighter note, Jenny is back with us! Come have a look at the recently made up voluptuous lady truck Tommy J treasures so dearly.

We'd also like to announce that the rad crew at Deus have also asked us back to one of their events for their store in the coming months, and we're stoked!

Also, to all of you who like dinosaurs, we've been confirmed to make an appearance at Jurassic Lounge in October! More info and dates to be confirmed reeeeeally soon, So stay tuned, come see dinosaurs and get your hair did and stuff.
