My Bondi Riot!

Wow guys, how rad was Bondi Riot?? To those who didnt make it... sorry to say but you totally missed out on a rad afternoon/evening/morning!!

Cheers to Uppercut for hooking us up with such a rad little event, and Sailor Jerry for sponsoring. 

And thanks a bunch to the photographer, for snapping us doing what we love. His folio can be found here: Aboutlstnight

The night started out with knocking back a few of Sailor Jerry's spiced rums... and then straight in to some knarly quiffs, pompadours and side parts. Its safe to say, the Bondi crew definitely know how to polish off a bottle or 5!

By halfway though the night the skateys had come out, with myself and Mr Cory Carn and Miss Ella DaSteeze having a little session right on the front stage seeing who could do the best nose stalls onto the couch.

Spurring up the publics interest, the barbers chair was full again. Everyone from little rocking hipsters to some of the navy crew, and even some true Bondi locals..

I haven't had so much fun styling up some hair while sneaking a few Sailor Jerry's and skating the platform and repping the infamous Uppercut.

My Bondi Riot... can't wait till the next one!

Cheers, Tommy J.